You clicked this post because you're a Manifestor or....
you're trying to figure out how to make the most of your relationship with the hyper-independent, occasionally maddening, but ultimately brilliant Manifestor in your life.
Don't tell anyone, but I suspect they're not entirely human. The mysterious aura, the "Do what thou wilts" attitude and the complete disregard for social norms... They're probably aliens sent to test the limits. Or time travelers. Or maybe, they're the next step in human evolution. Keep your friends close, and your Manifestors closer. You never know when they might decode the secrets of the universe.
If you're a Manifestor, you know you're not like everyone else.
You're intense, driven, and at your best, you're not afraid to go off in your own direction. After Reflectors, Manifestors are a rare breed. We're only about 9% of the population. And we're not here to be part of the crowd, we're here to lead it.
- We're Initiators: We see a vision and go after it. No hesitation, no waiting for permission.
- We're Trailblazers: We forge our own path, which often times has us going against the grain.
- We're World-Changers: Our energy is potent, capable of sparking movements and making things happen.
Manifestor Energy = A Burst of brilliance and the inevitable crash..
If we're talking energy, as Manifestors, we've got a lot of it. But it's not the same steady hum of a Generator or the adaptable buzz of a Manifesting Generator. Our energy is more uh...whimsical? It's sudden, intense, and like a volcano it's erupting with creative brilliance. When we're in the zone, we're unstoppable – we get shit done, we inspire others, and leave a trail of ethereal dopeness in our wake.
But after the eruption, we need time to cool TF down. We need rest, solitude, and time to discharge excess energy from our system. This IS NOT laziness, it's self-preservation. Since we don't have a defined sacral center we aren't designed to be "worn out" at the end of the day, which is one of the reasons why we don't fit into the traditional 9 to 5 work system. If we try to keep pushing when our energy is depleted we end up overstimulated and angry.
The Infamous Aura
Our aura. It's closed and repelling, which sounds a bit harsh, I know. But don't worry, it doesn't mean we're walking around with a "stay away" sign taped to our foreheads. That, beautiful Mani, IS happening on an energetic level though so...
Our aura is an energetic force-field that protects our inner world and gives us space to do our thing.
Have you ever tried to force two magnets together? They push back, right? That's our aura. It naturally deflects other people's energy, giving us the autonomy we crave and the freedom to initiate without interference.
But that same protective shield can make us feel like aliens, far from our home planet. People can't quite sense us in the same way they do other energy types. Whatever it is we're broadcasting is happening on a different frequency, one the other types can't tune into.
And because they can't make sense of us, they project their own assumptions and expectations onto us. We become a blank canvas for their fears, desires, and insecurities. Some folks are intrigued, some are wary, and others feel threatened by our power and autonomy and want to control us. It's a mixed bag really. (Especially for the line 5's)
Repelling, Contracting, and Triggering.
So about that repelling aspect.. our energy doesn't just protect us, it also pushes outward, causing other people's auras to contract. When we walk into a room people can feel it. Once again, this can and will trigger a whole range of reactions – from curiosity and admiration to defensiveness, resentment, and fuck, even fear.
But why does this happen, you say?
Well, most people are designed to respond to external stimuli. They rely on their peers and environment to tell them how to act, how to feel, and who to be. But we as Manifestors are own stimuli. We initiate, we act, we create – all from our internal cornucopia of power.
That can be very off-putting for people who aren't used to it.
Our independent nature can trigger their insecurities, our closed aura can leave them feeling threatend and our initiating energy can make them feel excluded. They might see us as competition, rule-breakers, or a threat to their own ingrained belief systems.
We don't have control over who is drawn-in vs repelled by our energy, so we learn pretty early not to take it personally, although the repelling aspect of our aura leaves a lot of us feeling lonely and unseen.
Initiating: Our Superpower...kind of
The power to initiate is our Manifestor superpower. We see something that needs to be done, and we do it. We don't wait for permission, we don't overthink it, we check in with our inner authority and go for it.
This is where we thrive – starting projects, launching businesses, creating art, leading movements. But it can also be our downfall if we're not careful. Our initiating energy can be so strong that we bulldoze over people's feelings, start conflicts, or leave chaos in our wake.
That's why informing is so important for us.
Ugh! I hate informing.
Every time I have to do it, my inner toddler throws a tantrum. *sighs* As Manifestors, opening ourselves up to others, especially about our plans, can feel like being poked in an open wound. It doesn't feel great.
We've often grown up being told what to do, having our every move micromanaged, and our unique ideas dismissed. Sharing our plans in the past has probably opened us up to a whole host of complications we'd rather avoid:
- Unsolicited opinions: We don't need your advice, Karen. We've got this.
- Overt criticism: People love to shit on our dreams, don't they?
- Questioning our abilities: "Are you sure you can do that? Do you have the resources? The experience? The right astrological alignment?"
- Trying to change our course: "Well, I would do it this way..." (Cue eye roll.)
It's enough to make us want to retreat into our fortress of solitude and just do our own damn thing. After all, who needs the hassle of explaining ourselves and convincing others that we're capable?
But in informing we're never asking for permission or seeking external validation. We're giving the people who are going to be affected a heads-up before we make a move so they're not blindsided by our sudden bursts of initiative. We love and respect them enough to give them a chance to adjust to our plans and join us on our adventure (if they want to, of course).
So, WTF is Informing?
Informing is the art of communicating our intentions without getting bogged down in the details. It doesn't have to be some lengthy PowerPoint presentation babes, just a simple, straightforward statement of what we're doing and why it matters.
- Instead of: "I'm quitting my job to start a goat yoga business."
- Try: "I'm making some major changes in my career. I'm excited about what's next, but it might be a bit of a surprise. We'll talk about it more once I flesh out the details."
See the difference? The first statement is an invitation for opinions, questions, and unsolicited advice. The second is a clear declaration of our intentions, without opening the door for unnecessary commentary.
Real-Life Examples Because I Know You Need Them
Let's get even more specific, shall we? Here are a few examples of how to inform in different situations:
- To your partner (who's used to your spontaneous trips): "Babe, I'm feeling the pull to head to the mountains this weekend. Need some solo time. I've arranged for [person or resource to cover the slack] I'm leaving Thursday morning and I'll be back with fresh energy on Monday."
- To your skeptical boss: "I've got a game-changing idea for the new project. It's a bit unconventional, but trust me, it's going to blow their socks off. I'll send you the details next week for feedback."
- To your overly-attached friends: "Hey guys, I'm diving into a new creative project for the next few weeks. It'll require some serious focus, so I might be a bit MIA."
- To your family (who constantly ask what you're doing with your life): "I'm exploring some new paths right now. It's exciting and a little uncertain, but I'll keep you posted on the big developments."
Notice how these statements are concise, direct, and avoid unnecessary details. They inform without inviting debate or judgment.
Informing vs. Oversharing
Now, if you're thinking: "But what if I want to share the details? What if I need support or advice?"
That's totally valid. Manifestor's are designed to get things started, we NEED the mutable and fixed energies of the other types to help magnify and refine our work. But there's a difference between informing and oversharing. We don't need to spill our guts every time we have a new idea or impulse. That can be overwhelming for others (and honestly, it's exhausting for us).
The key is to be selective. Share the information that's relevant to the people who will be affected by your actions. Give them enough context to understand what you're doing and why, but don't feel obligated to give them every single detail.
Informing is more about building trust and collaboration. We do it to help create safety in our relationships. They can't sense us the same way they do the other types, and that can feel scary in relationship dynamics.
Again, it's not about seeking validation or approval. Trust your gut (or your Human Design authority) to guide you in what to share and when.
As Manifestors, we need to learn to discern when to inform and when to hold back. There's a sweet spot between respecting others' needs and protecting our energy and the sacredness of what we've been tasked to create.
Sometimes sharing negatively impacts the form of something that was intended to be wildly and creatively ours to birth.
Anger: The Manifestor Mood Swing and What It's Trying to Tell You.
Anger is the Manifestor's not-self theme, our emotional rip cord. But it's rarely ever the fiery rage you might expect. Sometimes it's a simmering frustration, a sense of being misunderstood, or a feeling of being stuck.
Anger flares up when our natural urge to initiate is thwarted, when we feel controlled, or when our impact isn't acknowledged. Like a pressure cooker, it builds and builds until it explodes.
Anger isn't a bad thing. It’s a signal, a neon sign flashing "Misalignment Alert!" It's telling us that we're not in alignment with our true nature, that we're suppressing our power, or we're surrounded by people who don't get us.
When we're pissed off, it usually means one of two things:
- We're not initiating. Someone or something's blocking our natural flow, whether it's fear, self-doubt, or good old-fashioned procrastination.
- We're resisting our own inner authority. We know what we need to do, but we're fighting it for some reason (usually because our mind is trying to talk us out of it).
When I start feeling angry, I ask myself, "What am I not initiating? What am I holding back?" The answer is usually pretty obvious. Maybe I'm not speaking my truth, or I'm not following through on an idea, or I'm letting someone else control my life. Once I identify the blockage, I can take action to clear it and get back into alignment with my own energy.
Conditioning: The Curse of the People-Pleaser
Fun fact! Most of us Manifestors were raised by non-Manifestors. And let's just say, their parenting style wasn't exactly conducive to our independent spirit.
We were probably told to be quiet, to follow the rules, to wait our turn. We were taught to value obedience and conformity over authenticity and creativity.
This conditioning can fuck with us in a major way. It can make us doubt our own instincts, second-guess our decisions, and seek approval from others before we act. It can eventually lead us to suppress our initiating energy altogether, which is like trying to put out a bonfire with a squirt gun.
But don't despair, my fellow Manis. We can decondition ourselves from this bullshit. It takes time, effort, and a whole lot of self-compassion, but it's worth it.
Start by recognizing the ways in which you've been conditioned. What beliefs or behaviors are holding you back? What fears are you clinging to? Where is the anger hiding? Whose voice do you hear when you're about to initiate? Once you identify the culprits, you can start to challenge, dismantle, and replace them with empowering truths that align with your Manifestor design.
What's Your Authority?
In human design everything takes a backseat to Strategy and Authority. And since we've already covered Informing...
Authority is the internal guidance system that we rely on to make aligned decisions.
For Manifestors, there are three types of Authority:
Emotional Manifestors: Defined Solar Plexus. Motor Center. Moody AF
Dude, I feel you. The feels are REAL. If you've ever made a decision from an emotional high or low, only to end up regretting it once your emotions have shifted a few hours (or days) later that's peak E.A. chaos. BEFORE you start making decisions from that emotional tidal wave, take a breath. Wait for the intensity to settle a bit. Don't let folks pressure you into right now decisions, that's not your thing. You'll make better decisions after your emotions have had time to settle.
Splenic Authority: Time Centered. Survival. In The Now.
You guys are all about survival and intuitive instinct. With your sudden jolt of "knowing" in your gut. You "gotta do this NOW!" and I hear you, but sometimes that "gotta do" gut feeling is just a craving for pizza. Learn to distinguish between a true splenic "YES!" and a passing whim. Your spleen is your guide but it takes practice to fine-tune its signals.
Ego Authority: Will to Throat Connection. Prioritize Rest.
You don't have to wait but you're all about your values, right? Gotta do what feels right, gotta ask yourself "is my heart in it"? "do I have the energy to initiate this?" The will center is known to stubbornly power through but be careful because the burnout beast will be on your ass.

How to Love a Manifestor: A Survival Guide for Non-Manifestors
Alright, non-Manifestors, it's your turn. Living or working with a Manifestor can be exhilarating, annnnd a bit of a rollercoaster. But we've got your back. Here's your survival guide to understanding, communicating with, and supporting the Manifestor in your life.
Decoding the Manifestor Matrix: Energy Levels and Rhythms
First things first, understand that our energy operates differently than yours. We're not designed for the slow burn, the steady pace, or the endless to-do list. We're more like a race car – we go from 0 to 60 in seconds, then we need a pit stop to refuel.
Respect our bursts of energy, but also respect our need for downtime. When we're in the zone, let us go full throttle. But when we crash, give us space to recharge. Don't try to force us to be "on" all the time, or we'll just end up cranky and resentful.
Also, be prepared for sudden changes in direction. We're not the most consistent creatures, and our ideas and priorities can shift quickly. Don't take it personally, just roll with it. The more flexible you are, the smoother your ride will be.
Things to keep in mind:
- Don't take it personally when we disappear: We need our alone time to zone out and recharge. It's not a reflection on you, it's just how we operate.
- Don't try to control our schedule: We work best when we can follow our own rhythm. If you try to impose a strict routine on us, we'll rebel.
- Don't expect us to be consistent: Our energy ebbs and flows. Some days we're on fire, other days we're barely smoldering.
- Don't interrupt us: Nothing quite activates Manifestor anger like being interrupted mid-flow. Encourage the Mani in your life to implement a DND sign or special emoji sequence to let you know they're in flow and don't want to be disturbed. They'll love you for it.
How Non-Manifestors Can Inform Manifestors: A Two-Way Street
Just because we're Manifestors doesn't mean we're the only ones who need to do the informing. In fact, it's a two-way street. Non-Manifestors can (and should!) inform us too.
Why? Because we're not mind readers, that's why. We might have a closed aura, but that doesn't mean we're immune to being blindsided by unexpected changes or decisions. Informing us shows respect for our need for autonomy and helps us feel like we're part of the team (even if we're technically the team captain).
So, how do you inform a Manifestor without triggering their "don't tell me what to do" reflex?Here are a few tips:
- Be direct and concise: We don't need a long-winded explanation. Just tell us the facts, ma'am.
- Focus on the impact: Let us know how your decision or action will affect us. We're big on personal impact, remember?
- Give us time to process: Don't expect an immediate response. We might need some time to digest the information and figure out how to integrate it into our plans.
- Respect our autonomy: Don't try to change our minds or tell us what to do. Just give us the information and let us decide what to do with it.
Also, ditch the questions. We don't want to be interrogated, we want to be informed. Instead of asking us what we're doing, tell us what you're doing. Instead of asking for our opinion, share yours.
Here's how it looks in practice:
Instead of: "Hey, what are your plans for the weekend?"
Try: "I'm thinking about checking out that new art exhibit downtown. Let me know if you're interested."
Instead of: "What do you think about my new haircut?"
Try: "I got a new haircut. I'm feeling pretty fierce, if I do say so myself."
Instead of: "Are you coming to my party on Saturday?"
- Try: "I'm throwing a party on Saturday. I’d love for you to come if you’re up for it."
Instead of: "What are you doing? Why are you doing it? When will you be done? How can I help?"
Try: "I see you're working on something. Let me know if you need anything."
Instead of: "Are you coming to dinner? Can you pick up milk on the way home?"
- Try: "Dinner's at 7. There's no milk, so if you're out, feel free to grab some."
To your Manifestor partner: "Hey, I'm planning a weekend getaway with my friends next month. Just wanted to give you a heads up so you can plan your own fun."
To your Manifestor boss: "We're going to be making some changes to the project timeline. I'll send you the updated schedule so you can adjust your workflow accordingly."
To your Manifestor friend: "I'm feeling overwhelmed and need some space. I'll reach out when I'm ready to reconnect."
Notice how these statements are informative, non-invasive, and leave space for us to check in with our inner authority and inform in return.
The Golden Rule of Informing a Manifestor
Informing a Manifestor doesn't have to be a complicated dance. Treat us like the independent, self-directed baddies that we are. Don't try to control us, don't try to change us, and don't try to guilt-trip us into doing shit we don't want to do.
Just give us the information we need, then step back and let us do our thing. We'll love and appreciate you all the more for it.
The Art of Supporting a Manifestor: Cheerleading, Not Coaching
Supporting a Manifestor is all about empowering them to be their best selves. Create a safe space for them to explore their ideas, take risks, and make mistakes.
Here's how you can do it:
- Celebrate their successes: We love recognition, but only if it's genuine. Tell us when we've done something awesome, and mean it.
- Offer practical help: We're not always the best at following through on details. If you can help us with logistics, organization, or anything else that frees us up to focus on our big ideas, we'll be eternally grateful.
- Be patient: We can be impulsive, and we sometimes make decisions without thinking things through. Give us the space to figure things out, and be there to catch us if we fall.
- Trust our vision: Even if you don't fully understand our ideas, trust that we know what we're doing. We're Manifestors, after all – we've got a knack for making the impossible happen.
*Sighs* We're not always easy to handle. We can be stubborn, opinionated, and a little too independent for our own good. But we're also passionate, creative, and fiercely loyal. If you can learn to appreciate our unique energy, you'll discover that we're the best damn friends, partners, and collaborators you could ask for.
For the tl;dr crowd:
- Manifestors: We're like energetic lightning bolts with a side of glitter. We're the rare unicorns of the Human Design world, here to shake things up and create magic.
- Our Aura: Don't even try to get close. We've got a forcefield that'll deflect your energy faster than you can say "unsolicited advice."
- Informing: We're not asking for permission, just giving you a heads-up before we unleash our dopeness on the world.
- Anger: We've got a temper, but it's usually a sign that someone's trying to stifle our flow.
- Relationships: We're ride-or-die with the people who get us, but we'll ghost you faster than a bad Tinder date if you try to control us.
- Career: Don't try to put us in a box, we'll just break out and build our own fucking empire.