Numerology 2025: The Unhinged Truth About the Universal 9 Year

Numerology 2025: The Unhinged Truth About the Universal 9 Year

Posted by Ailuros M on

The Year Ahead - Summed Up

Get ready to feel the ground shift beneath your feet. 2025 is the great unraveling. Eight years of accumulating baggage, clinging to outdated structures, and ignoring the desire of our souls – it all comes crashing down now. Expect the unexpected. Relationships will be tested, careers will implode, and your carefully constructed sense of self might just shatter into a million pieces. But don't panic, just breathe. This isn't reckless destruction, it's dismantling. We're clearing the board for something new and authentic.

The 9 Year 

Raise your hand if you thought 2020 was the beginning of the apocalypse. (My hand is raised, just FYI.) Well, turns out the universe has a dark sense of humor because 2025 is shaping up to be the REAL end-of-times party. 

We've been through a lot in the last eight years, folks. From the highs of new beginnings to the lows of, well, gestures vaguely at everything. Universal Years are like the background music of the universe, setting the mood for the year ahead. And this year, the playlist is a mix of Gregorian chants, existential poetry, and that song they play at the end of a movie when the hero dies.

 In numerology, 2025 is a Universal Year 9. It's the culmination of a cycle that started back in 2017.  Nine is all about endings, closure, and the introspection required for those things to happen.  In a 9 year, our energy is best directed inwards, towards reflection and completion.

Re: It's time to wrap things up and clear out the clutter. 

This year the universe is shining a light on old beliefs, outdated patterns, and relationships that are sucking the life force out of the collective. 

 9 carries the energy of the humanitarian, so instead of just focusing on the "me, myself, and I," of the year ahead, we'll zoom out and look at the bigger picture. How is this 9 energy influencing our collective consciousness? What global shifts might we see? What kind of weirdness can we expect on a societal level? And most importantly, how do we deal?

Universal Year 9 — Key Themes

🜙 Letting Go, Endings, Completion: Say goodbye to old habits, toxic relationships, and that dusty mindset you've been clinging to. It's time for a clean slate.

🜙 Awakening, Spiritual Growth & Reflection: Prepare for some serious global-scale soul-searching. The universe is shining a harsh light on the collective shadow.

🜙 The Humanitarian Imperative: The 9-year is demanding we step up and contribute to something bigger than ourselves. Be it through volunteering, donating, or being kinder fucking humans, it's time to give back.

🜙 The Attachment Audit: What are you clinging to? Fear? Control? The past? The universe is conducting a thorough audit of our collective attachments. Are you ready to let go of the old ways of thinking and living, to embrace a new reality?

🜙 The Age of Aquarius: This external energy is guiding us away from personal transformation toward collective evolution. 9 is luring us into a new way of being – one based on compassion, cooperation, and a deep respect for the planet.

🜙 Returning to compassion, empathy and spiritual principles: Easier said than done, I know. These things don't happen without some serious "Tower Moments". Expect a surge in collective anxiety, a deep ache for real connection, and an unabashed search for meaning in the midst of chaos.

🜙 Embracing flow state instead of forcing progress: This year is about surrendering to the flow, and embracing the uncertainty.


The 8-9-1 Year Push

The years 8, 9, and 1 in numerology form a powerful yet exhausting triad of transformation. Each year builds upon the last, pushing us toward growth and renewal :

🜚 Universal Year 8 (2024) Hunger Games:

A year of power dynamics, money, and karmic lessons. It brings imbalances to the surface, forcing us to confront them. With a Hunger Games-esque thrust, we we're thrown into an arena and forced to fight for survival. Economic turmoil had us scrambling for resources, while the relentless news cycle felt like a never-ending karmic bloodbath. But amidst the chaos, a spark of rebellion ignited, demanding a fairer, more equitable world.

🜚 Universal Year 9 (2025) Stranger Things Have Happened:

A year of completion, surrender, and introspection. We integrate the lessons of the 8 year and release what no longer aligns with our path. This is where we dive headfirst into the Upside Down to confront the shadowy depths of our collective consciousness. It's time to purge the Demogorgons of outdated systems, limiting beliefs, and the Vecnas of toxic patterns. This may be a strange and unsettling journey, but the liberation we experience will always be worth facing the monster.

🜚 Universal Year 1 (2026): Practical Magic:

 A year of new beginnings, fresh starts, and individual action. With a clean slate and renewed energy, we step boldly into the future, armed with the wisdom gained from the previous two years. This is the year we roll up our sleeves and get to work building the future we envisioned back in 2025. We figure out just how much work is needed to transform our lofty ideals into tangible action. Will we see an increase in community gardens sprouting in urban food deserts, more innovative tech solutions addressing climate change, and a surge in grassroots movements demanding social justice? or will we doom ourselves to another 9-year cycle of more of the same?

Our Allies

The Sage, the ancient, all-knowing elder of the group is gifting secrets, transformative tips, and dropping knowledge bombs into the mind of the collective consciousness this year.

I've already written about her so I'll spare us both - here's the link (make sure you connect with her energy this year to get your upgrade codes).

Ansuz, the rune of communication, becomes our ally in navigating this year of collective awakening. Ruled by Odin, who hung himself from the Yggdrasil, for nine days and nights,  Ansuz represents what is sacrificed in the pursuit of knowledge. It represents the flow of information and the power of the spoken word.

*I use this rune in conjunction with reflexology principles, drawing it on my insoles where the head and throat energy is located within the feet. Or draw it on hands or coffee cups. 

Activities Supported This Year

  • Cutting people TF off: This year is all about a ruthless-yet-thoughtful pruning. Friends, family, anyone who's holding you back? It's time to reevaluate & hit the eject button.
  • Reclaiming your time: Fuck the grind. This is the year to prioritize your own sanity. Ditch the 9-to-5, sleep in, and rediscover the joy of doing absolutely nothing. (or doing ALL the things you love, no judgment here)
  • Metaphysical Studies: Take a trip into the underworld. Shadow work? Astral projection? Goddess Worship? Now's the time.
  • Long Trips: Go off the grid. Find a remote cabin in the woods and disappear for a month. (Tell your friends where you are plz)
  • Resource Gathering: Stockpile essentials. Food, water, ammunition... you know, the usual. Just kidding (mostly). But seriously, it's time to become self-sufficient. The external world maybe on pause but now is the time to think about what skills and resources are needed so that when the energy shifts next year, you know exactly what to do. 
  • Spiritual Cleansing: Clean out your closets, sage your house, burn some palo santo, exorcise those demons. This year is about purification, and we're talking full-body, soul-cleansing.
  • Detoxing: Ditch the sugar, the alcohol, the toxic relationships. 9 is a year for radical self-care, even if it means becoming a hermit.
  • Writing: Channel your anxieties, rage or newfound creative energy into art. Write that morally gray, dystopian novel you've been dreaming of.
  • Earthing: Grounding yourself is crucial, especially when the ground itself might be the only thing keeping you sane this year.
  • Reading & Research: This is peak hermit energy! She is wise and damn near omniscient. Information is favored right now. Take a class! Learn ALL the things! Go down the smuttiest book rabbit hole you've ever been down until your fingers are sore, your brain is warped, and you run out of lube.   

So, endings...

Endings are rarely pretty. Whether it's a relationship, a job, or an entire era, letting go is often accompanied by a healthy amount of grief, anger, confusion, and relief. And when it's a Universal 9 Year, that emotional energy gets amplified, echoing through every corner of the collective consciousness. 

Universal Year 9 is a time for questioning everything, even the things we thought were unshakeable. Like a giant game of Jenga, we're pulling out the blocks of our old paradigms one by one and watching the tower of our certainties wobble precariously. Don't worry, it'll all come crashing down eventually.

So, what kind of certainties might we be challenging in 2025? Oh, just a few things:

  • The status quo. The old ways of doing things aren't working anymore. More and more people are starting to see cracks in the systems that govern our lives, and people are starting to demand real change. This could manifest as an uptick in social movements, political upheaval, or a collective refusal to accept the "norm" anymore. 

  • Our beliefs about ourselves. We've all been carrying around stories about who we are, what we're capable of, and what we deserve. 2025 is the year we rewrite those stories. It's a time of shedding limiting beliefs and embracing what's real and right for us.

  • Our understanding of reality. What if everything we thought we knew was wrong? What if there's more to this existence than meets the eye? Universal Year 9 is a time for exploring the deeper mysteries of life, questioning our assumptions, and expanding our consciousness.

  • Environmental Awareness: The 9-year often brings a focus on environmental issues. We may see increased activism, new policies aimed at sustainability, and a greater emphasis on individual responsibility for the planet.

Weirdness Alert:

  • Increased Polarization: As we confront uncomfortable truths about ourselves and our society, we may see increased polarization and division. People may become more entrenched in their beliefs, leading to heightened conflict.
  • Unpredictable Events: The 9-year can be a time of unexpected events and sudden changes. Be prepared for the unexpected and stay adaptable.
  • Nostalgia and Retro Trends: The 9 often brings a wave of nostalgia as we reflect on the past. Expect to see a resurgence of retro trends in fashion, music, and culture.

So, how do we survive (and thrive) in this year of cosmic chaos?

  • Embrace the Mess: This ain't the year for perfectionism. Let go of control, surrender to the flow, and allow yourself to feel all the feels.
  • Prioritize Self-Care: With all the intense energy swirling around, self-care is non-negotiable. Bubble baths, meditation, therapy, screaming into pillows – whatever it takes to keep your sanity intact.
  • Set Boundaries: Learn to say "no" to energy vampires and protect your precious peace.
  • Connect with Your Tribe: Surround yourself with people who lift you up and support your growth.
  • Remain flexible: The 9-year is full of SNAFUS and surprise detours. Stay open to new possibilities and trust that the universe has your back (even when it feels like it's kicking your ass).

Is 2025 The Year We Finally...

🝰 stop pretending we understand cryptocurrency. (Seriously, is anyone else just nodding and smiling?)

🝰 cancel the apocalypse. (It's been postponed indefinitely due to lack of interest.)

🝰 dismantle the systems of oppression that have been holding us back for centuries.

🝰 admit that we're all just making this shit up as we go. (Life: the ultimate improv performance.)

🝰 stage a global intervention for humanity. ("We need to talk about your addiction to drama...")

🝰 admit that social media is rotting our brains and stage a mass exodus. (Imagine the collective sigh of relief.)

🝰 realize that we're all connected, like it or not. (Sorry, no refunds on the human experience.)"

🝰 collectively shrug our shoulders and say, "Meh, whatever happens, happens." (Peak 9-year apathy.)

🝰 finally learn how to properly fold a fitted sheet. (Okay, maybe that's just me.)

🝰 realize that the meaning of life is 42. (And then spend the rest of the year trying to figure out what that actually means.)

🝰 build a giant bonfire and burn all the self-help books that didn't really help.

🝰 finally address climate change with actual action, not just empty promises and reusable bags.

🝰 realize that aliens are real, and they're just as confused about this planet as we are. ("Wait, you guys elected WHO as president?")

The Wrap Up

As we brace ourselves for the transformative year ahead, remember that you're not just a passenger on this journey. You have the power to shape your experience and navigate the twists and turns with grace and intention. 

For those of you with "grab the bull by the horns" energy, get a jumpstart on the reflective work in our Shadow Work hub - here.

And to get the deepest insights on this year without me knowing you personally, check out your personal year numbers here, to learn key themes, potent allies, and other VERY helpful stuff to help you level up this year.

"When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich" - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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