How to Persevere through Adversity

How to Persevere through Adversity

Posted by Ailuros M on

In this game called life, there's a difference between persevering and wasting time. In the pursuit of what we desire we are often guided to redirect. This re-direction shows up as missed opportunities, metaphorical walls, even outright denial.
In these moments we are being issued a challenge from the universe. It whispers to our spirits asking us if this thing that we are trying to achieve is what we want. It asks if we are willing to be tenacious through universal development. This development allows us persevere over anything that may present in our path. It's asking us, Is this something you love?

Yeah but, do you love it?

Our response to this comes from every action we enact in pursuit of this thing. The intention of the universe, is to raise love. Like, a divine parent its motive is your ascension. It wants you to grow, thrive and be exactly what you're meant to be, you. If you reach a point, where you decide, no this isn't what you want, you are still in perfect alignment. The universe knows exactly who you are and what lights you up. The more you are willing to live in your truth, the closer you get to whatever that thing is that sets you on fire.


 How to Persevere through Adversity

When you are in pursuit of a goal, no matter what it is, there will be opposition. This opposition can be external or internal but most of the time it will be both. Expect that your challenges will direct you to your truest self and highest path. What we learn though persevering is what it feels like when the universe is asking us to fight. In it's essence, that beckoning is asking us to be honest. It's as if it will press upon the lie whether internal or external until the truth comes up for review.

For example,
If you're struggling with worthiness, the universe will provoke you into revealing it. It will ask you to step into your power to affirm that you are always worthy and deserving. The point is to strengthen you from within to face ANY naysayers, even if that naysayer is you.


Persevere or Retreat?

The call to persevere is very different from the call to reassess. The energy of perseverance often surfaces as a questional energy. It will challenge your drive, mission and belief system. Whereas the call to reassess feels more like running into a brick wall over and over again.

For instance, I spent months looking for jars large enough to house herbs for our apothecary. I had a very particular aesthetic that I was going for. I bought a few different kinds jars to try them out, settled on the ones I liked and I went to buy more-- sold out. I tried ordering them online--fail again.
So, I decided to look for a better option. I stopped trying to push, reassessed and ended up finding exactly what I was looking for, at half the price.

If you keep running into the same obstacle, it is likely a call to reevaluate the person, place or thing in question. Here's what you should do..
1. Try to shift your perspective to see if you're being narrow-minded. Be willing to expand your mind beyond what feels comfortable.
2. Take some time to reevaluate how you are going about it. Brainstorm other ways of doing things.
3. Check your core belief systems. Spend quality time with your vision.



Decide to Win

The moment that you decide that you want something the universe won't allow you to settle. It is forcing you into a conscious position of steadfastness. It wants you to decide to win and when you're being honest with yourself, it's easier to do.  Because when it's something you love, it's a fight you were born to win.


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