Tarot for Intuition: Strengthening Your Intuition with Tarot Cards

Tarot for Intuition: Strengthening Your Intuition with Tarot Cards

Posted by Ailuros M on

When your intuition feels more like a faulty radio signal than a clear channel, it's time for some fine tuning.

 Up until a few years ago, I'd been navigating life with a chaotic mix of gut feelings, random deep-dives and Google searches, but I knew I could do better. The universe told me as much. So I posed the internal question : How could I connect with the energetic frequency of my intuition to bring those sporadic jolts of insights into my day-to day? The answer led me to a stack of 78 cards: the tarot. 

So in true 5/1 (human design) fashion, I went off in search of information and my first tarot deck. 

In this post I’ll guide you — concisely of course, through those initial steps I took to strengthen my intuition with tarot while offering practical steps and insights to aid your own journey. 

Choosing and Connecting with Your Deck: The Awakening

I sit, perched on the edge of my bed, a cardboard box clutched in my hands. My room, a moody mix of plum walls and turquoise accents, felt charged with a quiet anticipation. Inside the box, a tarot deck waited, a brand-new tool for a journey I hadn't even planned on taking. But hey, life throws curveballs, right? And my intuition, well, it had been nagging lately, pushing me towards something more. So, tarot it was. I peeled back the tape, the scent of my dog's slobber co-mingling with the recently gnawed cardboard. It was time to dive in.

Your First Step


  • It's okay to feel a bit overwhelmed at first. Start by choosing a deck that appeals to you visually and energetically.
  • Spend time with your cards, shuffling them, looking at the images, and getting a feel for their energy.
  • Remember, there's no single "right" way to interpret the cards. Trust your gut and let your own intuition guide you.


Developing a "Living Vision": The Unveiling

    I spread the cards across my bed, each one a miniature masterpiece. The Fool, teetering on the edge of a cliff, felt like a mirror held up to my own anxieties. The Empress, overflowing with abundance, reminded me of my expansive dreams. As I gazed at the images, stories unfolded in my mind, characters whispering their secrets. It was like peering through a keyhole into another world — one filled with archetypes,  hidden meanings, and electrifying truths.

    Your Second Step


    • Don't be afraid to let your imagination run wild. The cards are meant to evoke feelings and images.
    • Notice the details that jump out at you. What colors, symbols, or figures catch your eye? What emotions do they stir up?
    • Let go of any expectations or preconceived notions about what the cards "should" mean. Be open to the messages that come through, even if they're unexpected.


    Creating a Clear and Sacred Space: The Sanctuary

      My bed, normally a haven for Netflix binges and late-night snacks, transformed into something more. I dimmed the lights, lit a stick of sandalwood incense, and let its earthy vibes fill the room. With each deep breath, the mundane world receded, replaced by a sense of stillness and possibility. It was time to let go of the distractions, to tune into the subtle frequencies of my intuition.

      Your Third Step


      • Find a space where you can relax and be undisturbed. It doesn't have to be fancy, just a place where you feel safe and comfortable.
      • Use simple rituals to set the mood. Light a candle, burn some incense, play calming music – whatever helps you create a sacred space.
      • Remember, this is your time to connect with your inner wisdom. Let go of distractions and allow yourself to be fully present.


      Trusting Your Intuition: The Surrender

        I shuffled the cards, their energy mingling with my own. The first card I drew, The Tower, sent a shiver down my spine. Its image of destruction and upheaval mirrored the chaos I'd been feeling inside. But instead of fear, a strange sense of acceptance washed over me. The tarot wasn't sugarcoating anything; it was showing me the raw truth. And in that truth, I found a glimmer of hope.

        Your Fourth Step

        • Start by drawing a few cards and see what comes up. Don't overthink it, just let your intuition guide you.
        • Pay attention to the feelings and images that arise as you look at the cards. What story are they telling you?
        • Trust your gut. Even if the messages don't make immediate sense, there's a wisdom there waiting to be uncovered.

        Exploring Different Approaches: The Integration & The Crutch

          Days turned into weeks, and my tarot practice became a ritual. I devoured books, watched online tutorials, and learned about different spreads, card meanings, and the rich symbolism embedded in each deck. (typical 5/1 energy)  But amidst the excitement of discovery, I started to rely on the cards a little too much. Every decision, every fleeting worry, warranted a spread. It was comforting, having a tangible tool to navigate the uncertainty. But somewhere along the way, I realized I was using the tarot as a crutch, bypassing the very intuition I'd set out to strengthen.

          It was a humbling realization, a reminder that the journey to self-discovery isn't always a straight line. There were days when doubt still crept in, when the cards felt like just cardboard and ink. But in those moments, my own interpretations began to emerge, weaving their way through the traditional meanings. The symbols, the colors, the numbers - they spoke to me in a language that resonated with my soul.

          The tarot became a mirror, reflecting not just my questions, but also my own evolving consciousness. It was a process of learning, unlearning, and relearning, a dance between knowledge and intuition. I discovered that the true magic lay not in predicting the future, but in cultivating a deeper connection to myself, to the wisdom that resided within.

          Your Fifth Step + A Word of Caution

          • It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of learning tarot, but be mindful of not letting it become a crutch. It's a tool to enhance your intuition, not replace it.
          • The journey to intuitive mastery takes time and dedication. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't happen overnight. Embrace the process of learning and allow yourself to make mistakes along the way.
          • The tarot is a powerful tool for self-discovery, but it's important to maintain a balance between relying on the cards and trusting your own inner knowing.
          • Remember, true understanding lies within you. The tarot is a guide for unlocking your own intuitive narrative.

          This deck giving you good vibes? snag it here.

          Your FAQs

          Q: "Okay, but how do I even start with tarot? It seems so overwhelming!"

          A: Take a deep breath, babes. It's totally normal to feel a little intimidated at first. Start simple. Pick a deck that calls to you, one that makes your heart skip a beat. Then, just spend time with the cards. Shuffle them, look at the pictures, let your imagination wander. Don't worry about memorizing meanings or doing fancy spreads right away. Just focus on building a connection.

          Q: "I'm not sure I'm 'intuitive' enough for this. What if I'm just making things up?"

          A: We all have intuition, it's just a matter of tapping into it. At first, you might feel like you're just guessing, and that's okay! The key is to trust your gut, even if it doesn't make perfect sense. Over time, you'll start to recognize the difference between your intuition and your overthinking mind.

          Q: "I'm worried about becoming too reliant on the cards. How do I avoid that?"

          A: It's easy to fall into the trap of using tarot as a crutch, especially when you're first starting out. Remember, the cards are a tool to enhance your intuition, not replace it. Don't be afraid to step away from the deck and trust your own inner wisdom. Use the tarot as a compass, not a GPS.

          Q: "I'm drawn to tarot, but I'm also a bit skeptical. Is that okay?"

          A: Skepticism is healthy! It keeps us grounded and prevents us from falling for any woo-woo nonsense. Approach tarot with an open mind, but don't be afraid to question things. If something doesn't resonate with you, that's okay. The beauty of tarot is that it's a deeply personal practice. Trust your own experiences and let the cards guide you to your own truths.

          Q: What if I don't connect with the traditional meanings of the cards?

          A: Don't sweat it! The beauty of tarot is that it's a deeply personal experience. Your intuition is the key, not some dusty old book. If a card speaks to you in a way that's different from the "official" meaning, trust that. Those personal connections are where the real magic happens.

          Q: How do I know which tarot deck is right for me?

          A: There's no one-size-fits-all answer here. It's about finding a deck that resonates with you on a personal level. Browse different decks online or in a bookstore, and see which ones spark your interest. Trust your gut feeling – if a deck calls out to you, it's probably the right one.

          Q: I'm struggling to interpret the cards intuitively. Any tips?

          A: Start by focusing on the images and symbols that resonate with you. What emotions do they evoke? What stories do they tell? Don't worry about memorizing traditional meanings – let your own intuition guide you. Practice regularly, and you'll develop your own unique language with the cards.

          Q: How do I know if I'm relying on the tarot too much?

          A: If you find yourself reaching for the cards for every little decision, or if you feel anxious without a daily reading, it might be time to step back. Remember, tarot is a tool to enhance your intuition, not a replacement for it. Trust your gut, and don't be afraid to put the cards away for a bit and just be.

          Q: Do I have to meditate to use tarot effectively?

          A: Nope, not mandatory. But it can definitely help! Meditation quiets the mental chatter and creates space for your intuition to shine through. Even a few minutes of deep breathing can make a difference.

          Q: How long does it take to learn tarot?

          A: There's no set timeline, some folks pick it up quickly, others take their sweet ass time. The key is consistency and a genuine desire to learn. Don't get discouraged if it takes a while to click. Just keep exploring, asking questions, and trust the process.

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