Intuition Fails: My Most Epic "I Knew It!" Moments (And the Weird-Ass Ways I Learned to Trust My Gut)

Intuition Fails: My Most Epic "I Knew It!" Moments (And the Weird-Ass Ways I Learned to Trust My Gut)

Posted by Ailuros M on



Raise your hand if you've ever ignored your intuition and ended up face-palming yourself later?

🙋🏾‍♀️ Yeah, me too.

In fact, I've got enough laughable "I knew it!" moments to fill a book (or at least a very revealing blog post).

But the alchemist in me would never allow me to leave any situation empty handed. Those cringe-worthy experiences taught me some valuable lessons about trusting my intuition. And now, I'm sharing a few my intuition fails – along with the unconventional tips I learned – so you can avoid my mistakes and have a good laugh.

The Fuckboy Files

Picture this: I'm swiping through a dating app, and I come across a total smokeshow. We hit it off instantly, and everything seems perfect – at first. We go on dates, have fun, and at some point decide to make things official.

But the moment I agree to be his girlfriend, something shifts. It's like a switch flips in my gut, and I know this is a mistake. But I ignore that nagging feeling, and continued on.

Big mistake. Huge.

Turns out, my baddie wasn't just bad – he was toxic af, narcissistic, and an amateur gaslighter. Our relationship quickly turned into a bizarre circus of manipulation and mind games. It was almost comical how bad he was at it, but the damage was done. My intuition had tried to warn me, but I didn't listen.

After six months of this chaotic rollercoaster, we broke up – And then it hit me.

When I looked back at his pictures, it was like a veil had been lifted. He even looked different. It wasn't just that he was manipulative, he had cast a fucking glamour over himself – wtf?

So, fair warning to all you mystical magical girlies out there: the boys are doing warlock stuff. When your intuition says "GET OUT," don't just walk – run!

Lesson Learned:

So many lessons learned here but none as potent as seeing a narcissist up close and personal. If you had no trouble gauging reality before the relationship, it's not you, it's them. 

The Tip:

Pay attention to any sudden shifts in your feelings, especially after making a commitment. If something feels off, it probably is. Don't be afraid to trust your gut and walk away, even if it means missing out on a "baddie." The more time you spend getting to know yourself, the less sway others have over your thoughts, emotions and identity.

The Puerto Rican Pork Debacle

I'm in Puerto Rico, soaking up the sun, dancing and indulging in the local cuisine. One afternoon, I stumble upon a hole-in-the-wall joint with the most mouthwatering pork dish I've ever seen. My stomach rumbles in delight, but a tiny voice in the back of my mind whispers, "Maybe not the best idea."

Ignoring my inner foodie skeptic, I order the pork with gusto. It's everything I dreamed of...until a few hours later when my stomach stages a full-blown revolt.

Let's just say the next 24 hours were not pretty. 

Lesson Learned:

When it comes to food, trust your gut (literally). If something seems a little off, it's better to be safe than sorry.


When traveling, research reputable restaurants beforehand and don't be afraid to ask locals for recommendations. And if your intuition says "skip it," listen up. Your digestive system will thank you.

The Skunky Sexcapade

So, I'm a pretty adventurous person. I'm all about trying new things and stepping outside my comfort zone. But there was this one time...

I was on a weekend getaway at a cute little AirBnb cottage with my partner, and we decided to have As we were scouting locations, my intuition tugged at me. Something about the spot we chose But fuck it, I'm open-minded, right? So we went for it.

Turns out, my intuition was right (again). What I thought was... Honestly, I don't know what I thought it was but I was kinda busy and something brushed my leg.

It was startled. WE were startled. 

And as you can guess, we ended up getting skunked.

Let me tell you, there's nothing quite like the smell of skunk to kill the mood.

Lesson Learned:

Even the most adventurous spirits should heed their intuition. Sometimes, "playing it safe" is the sexiest option.


If your gut feeling says "maybe not," trust it. There are plenty of other ways to be adventurous that don't involve getting sprayed by a skunk.

The "Weird-Ass" (But Surprisingly Effective) Intuition Hacks

So, how did I learn to finally trust my gut? It wasn't always easy, but I developed some quirky (and surprisingly effective) methods to tune into my intuition:

The Shower Dance of Self-Discovery 

Water + Dancing, you'll see me recommend this a lot. Water is Piscean, intuitive and cleansing by nature, so when it's time to shed layers, connect and fill my energetic cup - these are my go-to's. I'm not talking about practicing TikTok dances either. This is about letting loose, getting out of my head, and connecting with the wisdom of my body. When I'm faced with a decision or feeling unsure, I turn on my favorite playlist in the shower and dance. Like magick, this combination of movement, music, and warm water clears my mind and reveals the intuitive energy I'm looking for.

The Tarot Talk

I had no intention of becoming a tarot reader when I decided to use the cards to strengthen my connection and trust with my intuition. Learning its symbolism allowed me to have decipherable conversations with my subconscious, supercharging my healing process. I shuffle the deck, pull a few cards, and interpret their meanings in relation to my situation. Even if you don't believe in the mystical aspects, the symbolism of the cards can offer new ideas and perspectives.

Read: Tarot for Intuition


Bonus Hack: Meditation Magic

This one might not be so "weird af," but it's a classic for a reason. When I need to quiet the mental chatter, remind myself that I am not the thoughts I think and tap into my intuition, I turn to meditation. A few minutes of focused breathing can create space for inner guidance and direction to emerge.

    The Bottom Line

    These hacks might sound a little out there, but they've helped me cultivate a deeper connection with my intuition. The key is to find what works for you. Whether it's dancing in the shower, consulting the tarot, meditating, or something else entirely, experiment and have fun with it!

    cover photo credit.

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