Common & Practical Herbs
Grape Seeds
They have amazing antioxidants properties. Also they help reduce blood cholesterol and improve the blood circulation in our body.
Tea Tree
They produce an oil that benefits our skin. It helps with acne problem, wounds, insect bites. It is recommended to dilute it with other oils or products.
It has been used over the centuries as a medicine in a variety forms, like tea, juice or extract. It helps against the cold and it boost the immunity system.
Not only is it perfect for kitchen magic, but also in liquids to purify and cleanse your home. It attracts good luck when moving to a new home. It brings love and happiness.
Normally used to heal and purify. It brings positive changes. You can also use it during divination as it attracts positive energies. It helps to remove bad habits and transformation.

Perfect for aromatherapy. It helps reducing stress and anxiety. Improves concentration and your mood.
It helps relieve menstrual and chest pain. Also reduces skin problems. It work as a natural anti inflammatory.
It brings good luck, healing and economic abundance as it has amazing good luck properties. It incentives Journey and traveling. When boiled it helps with asthma and flu. Another great natural anti inflammatory.
Not much explanation needed. One of the most commonly used herbs by us witches. It has amazing protection properties. It’s great when cleansing tools, and homes or spaces in general. It attracts clarity, intelligence, economic abundance and reaching your goals.
It’s normally associated with money, physical and mental strength and protection. It helps to fight against the evil eye.
It promotes peace and good sleep. It helps mend a broken heart and duels.

Highly used during rituals. It’s smell transports the person to magical places. Normally associated with love, richness and sexual power. It also brings economic abundance.
It can be used in pills, extracts and tea. It helps elevate brain activity and health. Work against dementia and Alzheimer.
It helps curing wounds. When used in tea it helps improve your mood and fights against sadness. Improves self esteem, courage, love and passion.
It is believed that it has powers that prevents cancerous cells and DNA mutations. It’s also another great anti inflammatory.
Helps improve memory and brain activity. It has amazing protection of the body and spirit properties. Helps banish negative energies.
Offers protection, good luck, and helps during nighttime magic. Improves one’s sleep and loyalty.

Flax Seeds
It has amazing antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties. Reduces blood pressure
Promotes passion in relationships, love and lust. Attracts dreaming with people that loves or likes you. If you burn in, it bring loves in your direction.
Perfect for relieving stress and anxiety. Another great natural anti inflammatory, and brings concentration and meditation.
Ti Plant
Amazing good luck, and happiness properties. It brings positive energy and fight against negative or bad spirits.
Crown of Thorns
It is a highly toxic plant, keep it away from your pets. When you use it, be careful not to touch your eyes and mouth. You can use it during shadow work, or rituals.
Brazilian Joy Weed
Medicinal plant, also know as “metal weed” helps fight inflammation, cough and attracts overall health and healing.

White: Symbol for peace, purity, love and clarity.
Red: symbol for passion, love, lust, and positively.
Sea Lavender
It is not related to Lavender as many people think. It represents memory, psychic abilities, masculine energy, and it is associated with the planet Mercury.
Highly used in medicine. It has amazing healing properties. It helps with fever, headaches, wounds, and general pain.
Another toxic plant, though much less. Associated with angels, and romance. It attracts happiness and love of one’s spirit.
Firecracker Plant
It was used to treat insect or snake bites. It helps relieve stomach pain, back pain, and burns. Promotes health and healing.
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Quick Mushroom Guide
Romaria Formosa
Size: 10-20 centimeters // Color: Brown, with red touches // Habitat: Oak forest // Importance: Poisonous
Size: 10-20 centimeters // Color: Brown, with red touches // Habitat: Oak forest // Importance: Poisonous
Cantharellus Cibarius
Size: 3-6 centimeters // Color: Peach // Habitat: Oak forest // Importance: Edible - commonly confused with either the jack o'lantern or the false chanterelle. Although not fatal, neither should be eaten.
Size: 3-6 centimeters // Color: Peach // Habitat: Oak forest // Importance: Edible - commonly confused with either the jack o'lantern or the false chanterelle. Although not fatal, neither should be eaten.
Craterellus Cornucopoide
Size: 2-4 centimeters // Color: Black // Habitat: Oak forest // Importance: Edible - no toxic look alikes.
Size: 2-4 centimeters // Color: Black // Habitat: Oak forest // Importance: Edible - no toxic look alikes.
Gomphus Floccosus
Size: 1-3 centimeters // Color: Orange - red - white // Habitat: Firs forest, subtropical and oak forest // Importance: Edible - commonly confused with the Jack O’lantern which is toxic.
Size: 1-3 centimeters // Color: Orange - red - white // Habitat: Firs forest, subtropical and oak forest // Importance: Edible - commonly confused with the Jack O’lantern which is toxic.
Laccaria Amethystina
Size: 1-3 centimeters // Color: Violet // Habitat: Oak forest and subtropical // Importance: Edible - potential look alikes is the Incoybe Geophylla Lilacina or the Lilac Fibercap, both toxic.
Size: 1-3 centimeters // Color: Violet // Habitat: Oak forest and subtropical // Importance: Edible - potential look alikes is the Incoybe Geophylla Lilacina or the Lilac Fibercap, both toxic.
Hygrophorus Conicus
Size: 1-3 centimeters // Color: yellow - red - orange // Habitat: Pine forest, firs forest and oak forest // Importance: Toxic
Size: 1-3 centimeters // Color: yellow - red - orange // Habitat: Pine forest, firs forest and oak forest // Importance: Toxic
Amanita Caesarea
Size: 10- 15 centimeters // Color: Red - orange - white // Habitat: Oak forest, pine forest // Importance: Edible - commonly confused with a toxic mushroom similar in looks (Amanita Muscaria).
Size: 10- 15 centimeters // Color: Red - orange - white // Habitat: Oak forest, pine forest // Importance: Edible - commonly confused with a toxic mushroom similar in looks (Amanita Muscaria).

Lactarius Indigo
Size: 4 -10 centimeters (diameter) // Color: Indigo - gray - silver // Habitat: Oak forest // Importance: Edible - very few look alikes (L. Indigo Var Diminutivus, L. Paradoxus) both also edible.
Size: 4 -10 centimeters (diameter) // Color: Indigo - gray - silver // Habitat: Oak forest // Importance: Edible - very few look alikes (L. Indigo Var Diminutivus, L. Paradoxus) both also edible.
Psilocybe Cubensis
Size: 5 -10 centimeters // Color: Yellow - white - blue stains // Habitat: Cow manure, tropical zones, subtropical // Importance: Psycodelic - some toxic look alikes are: Deadly Amanitas, Destroying Angel and Lepiotas.
Size: 5 -10 centimeters // Color: Yellow - white - blue stains // Habitat: Cow manure, tropical zones, subtropical // Importance: Psycodelic - some toxic look alikes are: Deadly Amanitas, Destroying Angel and Lepiotas.
Amanita Muscaria
Size: 10 - 20 centimeters (diameter) // Color: Red - orange and white scales // Habitat: Pine forest // Importance: Toxic. Fun fact: Mario Bros’ magic mushroom is inspired in this one.
Size: 10 - 20 centimeters (diameter) // Color: Red - orange and white scales // Habitat: Pine forest // Importance: Toxic. Fun fact: Mario Bros’ magic mushroom is inspired in this one.
Amanita Vaginata
Size: 3 - 8 centimeters (diameter) // Color: White - light yellow - silver // Habitat: Pine forest, oak forest // Importance: Edible - toxic look alike is the Amanita Phalloides.
Size: 3 - 8 centimeters (diameter) // Color: White - light yellow - silver // Habitat: Pine forest, oak forest // Importance: Edible - toxic look alike is the Amanita Phalloides.
Psylocibe Zapotecorum
Size: 3 -10 centimeters (diameter) // Color: Brown - yellow - orange // Habitat: Peaty and marshy soil, subtropical forest // Importance: Psycodelic
Size: 3 -10 centimeters (diameter) // Color: Brown - yellow - orange // Habitat: Peaty and marshy soil, subtropical forest // Importance: Psycodelic
Lactarius Deliciosus
Size: 4 - 8 centimeters (diameter) // Color: yellow - orange // Habitat: Pine forest // Importance: Edible - commonly confused with Red Hot Milky Cap or Woodly Lactarius both toxic.
Size: 4 - 8 centimeters (diameter) // Color: yellow - orange // Habitat: Pine forest // Importance: Edible - commonly confused with Red Hot Milky Cap or Woodly Lactarius both toxic.

Cookeina Tricholoma
Size: 1 - 4 centimeters (diameter) // Color: orange - pink // Habitat: Tree trunks of tropical jungles // Importance: Ecological indicator
Size: 1 - 4 centimeters (diameter) // Color: orange - pink // Habitat: Tree trunks of tropical jungles // Importance: Ecological indicator
Clathrus Crispus
Size: 6 - 12 centimeters (diameter) // Color: red - pink // Habitat: Meadows, tropical gardens // Importance: Toxic
Size: 6 - 12 centimeters (diameter) // Color: red - pink // Habitat: Meadows, tropical gardens // Importance: Toxic
Leotia Lubrica
Size: 2 - 7 centimeters // Color: yellow - orange // Habitat: Subtropical forest // Importance: Toxic
Size: 2 - 7 centimeters // Color: yellow - orange // Habitat: Subtropical forest // Importance: Toxic
Dictyophora Inclusiata
Size: 3 - 4 centimeters (diameter) // Color: light orange - pink - white // Habitat: Tropical jungles // Importance: Edible, medical - when the mushroom has a yellow vail it’s commonly toxic.
Size: 3 - 4 centimeters (diameter) // Color: light orange - pink - white // Habitat: Tropical jungles // Importance: Edible, medical - when the mushroom has a yellow vail it’s commonly toxic.
Cyathus Olla
Size: 1/2 - 1 centimeters (diameter) // Color: brown - gray // Habitat: Manure // Importance: Degradation
Size: 1/2 - 1 centimeters (diameter) // Color: brown - gray // Habitat: Manure // Importance: Degradation
Cordyceps Militaris
Size: 2 - 5 centimeters // Color: orange - red - white // Habitat: On insects or larvae // Importance: Medical - a look alike is the Cordyceps Sinensis also edible and medical.
Size: 2 - 5 centimeters // Color: orange - red - white // Habitat: On insects or larvae // Importance: Medical - a look alike is the Cordyceps Sinensis also edible and medical.
Geastrum Saccatum
Size: 2 - 5 centimeters (diameter) // Color: white - light brown // Habitat: Tropical forest // Importance: Medical - some look alikes are the Geastrum Earthstar also edible.