The Left Angle Cross of the Clarion (51/57 | 61/62) | Human Design

The Left Angle Cross of the Clarion (51/57 | 61/62) | Human Design

Posted by Ailuros M on

The Left Angle Cross of Clarion — The Highlights

Celestial Job Description: Intergalactic catalyst for transformation on divine assignment to change and awaken those around you. (omit soapbox)

Kryptonite: People who cling to the status quo, and those moments when your honesty accidentally creates drama. Also, those occasional existential crises' where you question if you're too unique for this world.

Work Environment: Anything that allows you to express your individuality and challenge norms. Innovative start-ups, independent ventures, or maybe just a cozy cabin in the woods with high-speed internet.

Perfect Date: An unconventional adventure that involves exploring uncharted territory, followed by a deep conversation about the mysteries of the universe,  philosophy, art, or the latest conspiracy theories. (and maybe a friendly debate about controversial topics).

Life Motto: "Live your truth, embrace the unknown, and never underestimate the power of your unique perspective."

The Intro-ish

Ever drop a truth bomb without even trying? Like, you're just casually living your life, and suddenly everyone around you is staring with their jaws on the floor? Yeah, that's the Left Angle Cross of Clarion in a nutshell. It's not about trying to shock anyone, it's just... who you are. And frankly, it's kinda hilarious.

You are the unexpected plot twist, the sudden burst of color in a monochrome world. Your very presence has the power to awaken people to their own truths, even though it comes with a bit of a jolt. You carry a wild mix of intuition, shock, and deep inner knowing and it is your mission to channel these intense energies and transmit them out into the world.

You might not always be the most popular person in the room (conformity is so overrated), but you'll definitely be the most memorable.


Incarnation Crosses — R, L, Jux.

Before we slide down the rabbit hole of your specific Left  Angle Cross of Clarion, let's add in a little human design 101 to help you understand your role in the HD family picture.

In Human Design, there are a few different flavors of Incarnation Crosses: Right Angle, Left Angle, and Juxtaposition. We're all living out our purpose but how we live it out comes with its own distinct vibe.

You've got the Right Angle crew, who are on a solo mission all about their own personal journey of self-discovery. They're usually deep thinkers, introspective, and highly individualistic.

Then there are the Left  Angle folks, who are here to impact others and awaken the collective - that's you! These lovely creatures are often charismatic, passionate, and have a strong desire to make a difference in the world.  

And finally, you've got the Juxtaposition gang, who are on a fixed trajectory with a DND sign slapped around their necks as they follow their celestial GPS. They're usually highly disciplined, focused, and have a strong sense of direction and purpose.

WTF is a Left  Angle Cross of Clarion?

In Human Design, your Incarnation Cross is like your soul's mission statement—it's the big picture purpose you're here to embody. The Clarion, specifically, is defined as being "loud, clear and hard to ignore"  which is honestly a very fitting name for this cross. You bring change through shock and surprise. It's not even intentional, you're just living your truth, and the truth always shakes things up.

Your cross is formed by the 4 sun and earth gates in your Human Design chart: Gate 51, Gate 57, Gate 61, and Gate 62. We'll get into the nitty-gritty of those in a sec, but for now, know they're all about intuition, truth, and shocking the pants off people. (fair warning: I might be saying "shock" alot)  





The Gates of Your Cross *

Gate 51: The Accidental Revolutionary

  • Location: Heart Center (willpower, ego, self-worth, the whole shebang)
  • Theme: Initiation through shock, like a spiritual defibrillator
  • Role: This gate grants you the ability to withstand shock. Urging you to build a life outside of external expectations. It challenges you to trust your inner voice as you venture off in directions that others find, shall we say, surprising.  It's about having the courage to compete, to push yourself to new heights, and to venture into the unknown, even if it means leaving everyone else in the dust. You're not afraid to be the first one through the door, even if that door leads to a surprise party... in a haunted house.
  • Shadow: Even pioneers need to know when to stop and ask for directions. Sometimes that competitive spirit can get a bit out of hand, leading to a "me first" mentality that leaves others feeling trampled. Remember, true leadership isn't about being the loudest or the most shocking; it's about inspiring others to find their own path.

Gate 57: The Human Lie Detector (Intuition)

  • Location: Spleen Center (instinct, intuition, survival, – the essentials)
  • Theme: Trusting your gut like a psychic bloodhound.
  • Role: This gate gives you an almost supernatural ability to sense what's true and what's not. It's about trusting those intuitive hits and subtle cues that your body picks up from the environment. You're like a human divining rod, drawn to the source of truth. But with the spleen center the truth is always in the now.  
  • Shadow: Don't let that intuition turn into a hall of mirrors. Overthinking can distort those clear signals, leading you down a rabbit hole of doubt and second-guessing. Sometimes, you just gotta close your eyes, take a deep breath, and trust that inner voice.

Gate 61: The Cosmic Question Mark (Mystery)

  • Location: Head Center (inspiration, ideas, the lightbulb moments)
  • Theme: Seeking truth and unraveling mysteries. The desire to find clarity.  A "knowing"
  • Channel Association:  61-24 Channel of Awareness
  • Projected Gate or...? : Yep, gotta wait for the invite. 
  • Role: This gate is the driving force behind your ask "why" at every turn, dive headfirst into ALL the esoteric rabbit holes -- curiosity. This gate is asking the big questions, exploring the unknown, and seeks to satisfy your desire for a deeply personal relationship with the universe. You're here to challenge assumptions, to dig for hidden truths, and to inspire others with your insights.
  • Shadow: That quest to know the "unknowable" can turn into an endless  tail chase if you aren't mindful. The universe is built upon its own conveniences not yours. If you try to leapfrog to answers you want, you'll miss the path to the answers you need.  Let go of the search for absolutes and allow the universe peacock a bit. 

Gate 62: The Truth Translator (Details)

  • Location: Throat Center (communication, expression, getting things done)
  • Theme: Communicating with clarity. Organization + Precision. Translating the human experience into tangible dialect.

  • Channel Association: 17-62 Channel of Acceptance
  • Role: This gate gives you the ability to take those complex thoughts and intuitive downloads and fold them into precise, digestible wording. It gifts you the ability to express yourself with clarity and conviction, sharing insights in a way that is both informative and inspiring. It  also gives you a knack for analyzing information, spotting inconsistencies, and organizing details with impressive precision. Like a translator between the realms of the known and unknown, you bridge the gap between the head and the heart. This gift can show up in all sorts of ways, from scientific research and data analysis to creative writing and project management. Basically, if something requires a keen eye for detail and a logical mind, you are our "go-to" human.
  • Shadow: Don't let those words become weapons, babes. Sometimes your desire to be precise can lead to nitpicking, over analyzing and a gnarly superiority complex. Give yourself space to come down from those Over-intellectualizing binges. You are the messenger not the message.
  • Projected Gate or...? : Yep, this means you gotta wait for the invite before sharing because no matter how great your insights are they're useless if they fall on deaf or unwilling ears. 

 Clarion's Calling: Gifts & Challenges

Accidental Shocker: You're not trying to shock people, it just happens. You're here to be you, and sometimes that doesn't sit well with others. There is nothing inherently wrong with who you are or how you live your life. (even if it feels like it sometimes) You are here to shake people out of complacency.

The "Where's My Tribe?" Conundrum: Like I said, not everyone gets your  perspectives or your need to break the mold. You might feel like an outsider, misunderstood and out of sync with the crowd. But  you're not alone. You're being guided towards your tribe, the beings who are ready for your brand of shock therapy and who will benefit from your unconventional wisdom.

Intuitive Overload: All that intuitive "in the now" energy gets intense at times. You might find yourself overthinking, second-guessing, or feeling like your brain is an intergalactic switchboard with a million different calls coming in at once. Learning to discern those signals and trust your inner guidance is an ongoing process.


Agent of Authenticity: You're not afraid to be unapologetically yourself. Your genuine nature attracts like-minded humans and inspires us to embrace our own authenticity. You're a living permission slip to be wild, wonderful, and completely ourselves.

Catalyst for Collective Evolution:You're like a walking, talking earthquake, shaking things up and creating space for growth. But the best part is, you're not just creating chaos for the sake of it. You play a vital role in the collective evolution, drawing people together who are ready to awaken and transform.

The Intuitive: You just know things, even if you can't explain how. This can show up as a deep connection to your inner voice, a knack for seeing patterns others miss, or a touch of psychic ability. This intuitive knowing, combined with a natural drive to express your truth, can create quite the shockwave.


Your Clarion Cross IRL

Human Design is complex af. It's not just about your Incarnation Cross; your profile, type, and life experiences all contribute to the expression of your design. So how this Clarion cross shows up in your career, relationships, and personal growth will vary. But I'll give you some ideas anyway. Just remember, these are just possibilities, not definitive predictions. Your path is your own.


You might find deep fulfillment in a committed, long-term partnership, cherishing the stability and support it provides. But don't be surprised if you also crave a healthy dose of autonomy within that connection. You need space to breathe, to explore your own interests, and to maintain your sense of self.

  • The connection: To satisfy your Gate 57's ability to form deep bonds while still honoring your Gate 51 need for autonomy and individuality.

Or maybe you're drawn to non-traditional relationship structures, exploring the fluidity of human connection and challenging social norms. Polyamory, open relationships, or chosen families might resonate better with your desire for both intimacy and freedom.

  • The connection: This aligns with your Gate 61 "pressure to seek" and "challenge assumptions" combined with your Gate 57 openness to "new pathways and doors" in relationships.


Maybe you're that person who somehow thrives in a stuffy corporate environment, not because you're a rule-follower (heaven forbid!), but because you see an opportunity to inject a much-needed dose of innovation into outdated systems from within.

  • The connection: This reflects your Gate 51 "courage to compete" and "initiate change" combined with your Gate 62 ability to "communicate with clarity and precision" within established systems.

Or maybe you're like, "Fuck the 9 to 5 life!" and take off to pursue something that's as unique as you are. Freelance artist? Nomadic entrepreneur? Content creator?  Professional sloth cuddler?  You may feel best when forging your own path and living life on your own terms.

  • The connection: This resonates with your Gate 51 "venturing into the unknown" and your Gate 57 "trusting your intuitive knowing above all else," even when it means rejecting societal expectations.

Personal Growth:

You might be one of those people who loves a good self-help book, a meditation retreat, or a deep dive into your own psyche. You're all about exploring your inner world, seeking those "aha!" moments that illuminate the path to enlightenment.

  • The connection: This reflects your Gate 61 "search for knowledge + inner truth" and your Gate 62 ability to "translate your understanding of esoteric knowledge" into personal growth.

Or maybe your personal growth journey is more like a cosmic game of dodgeball. Life throws you curveballs, you duck, weave, and occasionally get smacked in the face with a giant, inflatable truth ball. But hey, at least you're never bored, right? And those unexpected challenges usually end up being exactly what you need to level up.

  • The connection: This resonates with your Gate 51 ability to "withstand shock" and "turn the harshest conditions into fertile soil" for personal growth.


* while the gates of your cross are generally the same, the expression of that energy varies. In your chart you will see something like Gate "51.3", which means your gate 51 is being expressed through line 3, giving it a niche "Master of Improvisation" energy with a shadow of folding into one's self during times of chaos.  

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  • I absolutely love this description of LAX of the clarion! Thank you 🤍

    Magdalena on

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