The Right Angle Cross of Explanation 23/43 | 49/4 - Human Design

The Right Angle Cross of Explanation 23/43 | 49/4 - Human Design

Posted by Ailuros M on

The Right Angle Cross of Explanation The Highlights

  • Superpower: Translating the intangible into something brilliant and relatable.
  • Kryptonite: Rejection, feeling misunderstood, and getting stuck in your head.
  • Work Environment: Anything but a cubicle plz. Innovation labs, creative hubs, freelance or backyard revolutionary.
  • Perfect Date: Debating the merits of pineapple on pizza while browsing a vintage bookstore, followed by an impromptu game of laser tag.
  • Life Motto: "Challenge everything, embrace the unknown, and never stop questioning."

 The Warm Up

Let's be real, most people are just followers. But you? Nah, you're not here to play by the rules. With the Right Angle Cross of Explanation, you've got the kind of perspective that's practically begging to disrupt the norm. Okay, so maybe everyone's not quite ready to hear what you have to say and sometimes  they look at you like "wait, what?". I'll help you fix that in a sec, trust me. But long story short, you are here to usher in the new unconventional truths and perspectives we all need to hear, but like any trendsetter/revolutionary type, you're going to be misunderstood at first.

Incarnation Crosses — R, L, Jux.

Before we slide down the rabbit hole of your specific Right Angle Cross of Explanation, let's add in a little human design 101 to help you understand your role in the HD family picture.

In Human Design, there are a few different flavors of Incarnation Crosses: Right Angle, Left  Angle, and Juxtaposition. Think of them as different paths with distinct vibes. You've got the Right Angle crew, who are on a solo mission all about their own personal journey of self-discovery (that's you, btw!). Then there are the Left  Angle folks, who are here to impact others and shake up the collective - that's me!  And finally, you've got the Juxtaposition gang, who are on a fixed trajectory with a DND sign slapped around their necks as they follow their celestial GPS. 

What is the Right Angle Cross of Explanation and what does that actually mean for your life, your personality and your overall vibe?

Well, bestie, people with this cross don't quite blend in.. You're the ones with the unconventional ideas that challenge, umm..everything. I like to think of you as alchemists of thought, transforming "aha!" moments into something concrete and relatable.  This cross usually comes with a healthy curiosity and a drive to learn, but it's less about accumulating knowledge and more about synthesizing and connecting the dots. Which can lead to some pretty groundbreaking insights, even if they do take a little time to be appreciated.

You are the trendsetters.

The Avant Guardians. 😏

Challenges of Your Cross 

Sure, you've got those brilliant insights and a gift for explaining the unexplainable. But sometimes, those "aha!" moments get stuck in your head, and translating them into something others can grasp feels like trying to solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded. 

You'll find yourself explaining things over and over again, like you're stuck in a  "Groundhog Day" loop and at times, it will feel exhausting af. Other times you'll question your own sanity and perspective (Am I too "out there"? Am I speaking a foreign language? Wtf is happening rn?) 

The truth is, not everyone is ready for your brand of genius. Your ideas might be so new, so different, that it takes a while for them to sink in. Some people might even mistake your innovative ideas for plain old weirdness. And yeah, that can sting a little.

Adding to the mix that even when they DO understand it, not everyone's going to appreciate your perspective. Gate 49 (in the unconscious position) brings a strong sense of principles to the mix, which means you're not one to compromise your values. This can lead to some, shall we say, interesting interactions. Passionate debates, calling people out on their nonsense, and more than a few dramatic exits when things don't align. Sound familiar?

Ah, and we can't forget the anxiety spirals and how your quest for certainty can, at times,  hijack your sanity. Overthinking? check! Deep-seated fear of rejection? check! That overwhelming need to have all the answers right now? Yeah, I know, check. 

Gifts, Anyone?

Okay, enough with the doom and gloom. Let's talk about the superpowers that come with this cross. Because trust me, you've got 'em.

Gate 23 (Assimilation): You're not just a walking encyclopedia, you're a master translator. You can take those complex ideas swirling around in your head and turn them into something clear, concise, and real-life captivating. You're a natural storyteller, one people actually want to listen to (well, the right people, anyway. This is a projected gate).

Gate 43 (Insight): Fuck ordinary thinking, you're a visionary. You know things, and your insights are often ahead of their time. You're a natural innovator, and your ideas have the potential to change the world (no pressure!).

Gate 49 (Principles): Your values are your compass, and you're not one to compromise just to fit in. Sure, it may piss some people off but it also makes you a pillar that we can safely rely onYou are our ethical revolutionary, the one who fights for what's right, even when it's not popular to do so.

Gate 4 (Formulization): You're like a walking, talking solution machine. Got a problem? You'll find the answer. You're a master of logic, a decoder of patterns, and you've got a knack for cutting through the BS. Basically, you're the one everyone wants on their trivia team.

The Gates! The Gates!

Gate 23 Assimilation (Conscious Sun):

  • Location: Throat Center (where all the magic happens, right?)
  • Theme: Translating those "aha!" moments into something, well, human.
  • Projected: Yep, which means you need that sweet, sweet invitation to shine. 

This is about having a way with words and channeling your deep, intuitive insights into something digestible for the rest of us mere mortals. You're a conduit for weird, wonderful insights that seem to bubble up from the depths of your soul (or maybe just your subconscious, who knows?). But this gate can be a bit moody. One minute you're a fountain of eloquence, the next you're struggling to string a sentence together. It definitely has a mind of its own so it needs time to process before sharing. The key is to trust your timing. Don't force it, let those ideas simmer, and when the moment's right (and the invitation is there), you'll know what to say.

Gate 43 Insight (Conscious Earth):

  • Location: Ajna Center (the hub of mental activity)
  • Theme: Eureka moments and those mind-blowing breakthroughs that change everything.
  • Deaf Gate: Yep, you are NOT meant to be influenced.

This gate is built for cosmic downloads. You're constantly receiving insights, making connections, and seeing the world in a way that others just don't. It's not a rational knowing per se, nor necessarily backed up by facts. You're meant to trust those flashes of brilliance, even if they seem to come out of nowhere. And it's a Deaf Gate! To be clear, it's not that you can't hear others, it's that you're not easily swayed by their opinions. You've got to trust your inner knowing implicitly and use those insights to shift and move yourself forward. 


The 23-43 Channel of Structuring:

When these two gates join forces, they create a powerful channel of expression. It's like having a direct pipeline from your inner knowing to your throat center. You're not just receiving insights; you're able to translate them into a language that others can grasp. This channel is all about sharing your unique perspective, challenging norms, and potentially even sparking a revolution (of thought, that is). But remember, this is a projected channel, so wait for that invitation before you unleash your brilliance.


Gate 49 Principles (Unconscious Sun):

  • Location: Solar Plexus Center (the emotional powerhouse)
  • Theme: Values, baby, values! You've got 'em, and you're not afraid to stand by 'em.

This gate isn't just about having opinions, it's about having a deep-seated sense of what's right and wrong. You're the one who calls out injustice, who fights for the underdog, and who refuses to compromise your integrity. This energy is about being attuned to your principles and seeking those that are in resonance with yours. This gate can also bring some emotional intensity. You might feel things deeply, react strongly when your values are challenged, or even fear rejection when you don't fit in. 


Gate 4 Formulization (Unconscious Earth):

  • Location: Ajna Center (back to the mind palace)
  • Theme: Answers, answers, answers! You're on a quest for certainty in an uncertain world.
  • Summed Up: "This gate is always stringing together answers, triggered from the pressure of doubt."

This gate is like a mental puzzle master, always seeking solutions and making sense of the world through logic. You're the one who can break down complex concepts, find the missing piece, and create order out of chaos. But this gate brings with it a fear of the unknown, a tendency to overthink, and a pressure to have all the answers (even when you don't). We make peace with this gate when we realize that every answer doesn't have to be "the answer". Sometimes answers lead to more questions and other times they lead us on a path to new possibilities. 

Your Cross IRL

Career: I know I say this to all the girls (and I always mean it) but...

you're not meant to be a cog in the machine. You are here to introduce us to the new ideas. No hard and fast answer here babes, this could be anything that strikes your fancy. Shaking up the corporate world with your unconventional approaches to forging your own path as an entrepreneur, artist, writer, podcaster, Youtuber, thought leader, etc. The key is to trust your instincts (re:strategy and authority) to lead you to a career that allows you to express the unhinged perspectives that challenge the norm and make a real difference in the world in the way only YOU can.

Relationships: I hate superficial relationships and I think you do too.

Your inner knowing is not something that can be necessarily backed up by facts so you need someone who appreciates your intuitive leaps and your unique way of seeing the world. Someone who reminds you to trust yourself and remembers to extend those much needed invitations for you to share your insights. You want to been seen and understood like the rest of us but the challenge of your incarnation cross means you need someone who is willing to go the extra mile. 

You're not afraid to challenge your loved ones, to spark those thought-provoking conversations that go beyond the latest Netflix binge. And while your strong principles (Gate 49) might lead to some heated debates (think "passionate discussions over a bottle of wine"), they also ensure that your relationships are built on a foundation of mutual respect and understanding.

The Wrap Up 

Kudos! You've made it to the end of this enlightening exposé on the Right  Angle Cross of Explanation 2.  Consider yourself officially initiated into the club of cosmic oddballs. Now go forth and spread your unique brand of weird (but maybe try not to scare the normies too much). 

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a revolution to start (or maybe just a nap. Revolutions are tiring, okay?). But before I go, do me a favor and leave a comment below. Let's see how many fellow rebels we can rally. 

Oh, I almost forgot - Join my newsletter. It's eclectic, unconventional and you always have an open invitation to share your odd-yet-insightful insights via the "reply" button. 

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  • It is soooo exciting to read your explanation of this incarnation cross. I ´m recognizing myself and go step by step to real, true, special and weird me.
    I´m mental projector 2/4.

    Lenka on
  • Thank you for your effort!

    CaseyMarie on
  • Amazing! I’m new to this and this information resonates and is very helpful. Again, thank you!

    Rosa on
  • Wow, I found your website and now I am curious who are you?! I feel so seen here SO MUCH. whoever you are thank you a billion

    Nurul on
  • This was so wonderful thank you so much for writing this, and posting it. xoxo

    amandria on
  • This resonates so much with me and the full weirdo I am becoming more and more every day,but my relatives call it wisdom and ask me for help soo…seems to work!
    Thank you so much for your explanation, very clear, and fun love it!
    Let’s bring the revolution!

    Ama on
  • Thanks for this expose on the cross of explanation. Although I have the 4, not the 2, I did get more info from this post than from a lot of other sources I’ve looked into. Much appreciated

    Katie on

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