The Spirit Guide

..takes you down the rabbit hole of moon cycles, human design, symbolism, and the metaphysical realms, offering insights and practices to help illuminate your unique path of personal evolution.

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A Guide to Showing Up—Even When You're Scared

A Guide to Showing Up—Even When You're Scared

We all have those days. You know, when the alarm rings and your inner voice whispers, "Just hit snooze...what's one more missed workout/meeting/important-thing-you-dread?" Let's face...

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The Waning Moon Gives Zero F*cks: Will You??

The Waning Moon Gives Zero F*cks: Will You??

The Final Chapter: The Waning Moon The Full Moon brought everything to light – the good, the bad, and the buried so deep you pretended...

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The Full Moon Illuminates Your Truth: Time to Own Your Power

The Full Moon Illuminates Your Truth: Time to Own Your Power

  The Full Moon isn't here for subtlety; it's a cosmic spotlight aimed squarely at your soul.  All that work you've been doing (or maybe...

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