Welcome to my personal manifesto, a celebration of the unapologetic bad b*tch in all of us.

Here, we dive deep into radical self-love, honoring the full spectrum of feminine energy – the light, the dark, and everything in between.

This is a sacred space where sensuality and sexuality are celebrated, personal liberation is paramount, & we harness the power of manifestation + alchemy to create the lives we crave.

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Common Herbs and Plants Listed by Magickal Properties

Common Herbs and Plants Listed by Magickal Properties

By Ailuros M

✨Common Herbs and Plants Listed by Magickal Property✨ Protection Herbs Acorn, Aloe, Amber, Anise, Ash leaves, Bamboo, Barley, Basil, Bay leaf, Bergamot, Birch, Black pepper,...

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Using Essential Oils in Magick

Using Essential Oils in Magick

By Ailuros M

Distilled from the most fragrant, magical, and healing plants, essential oils have been used in witchcraft for thousands of years. Use this as your own...

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Magical Plants List

Magical Plants List

By Ailuros M

An A-Z guide to plants and their magical uses.  Acacia: Exorcism, banishing, money, love, to be burned for alter offering, aiding in psychic powers, meditation,...

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The Spiritual Path To Healing Trauma

The Spiritual Path To Healing Trauma

By Ailuros M

The healing process is an emotional landmine. It is full of hidden bombs and triggers; you will have to tread carefully to map and deactivate...

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Need Tips On Anxiety? Here's What Helped Me

Need Tips On Anxiety? Here's What Helped Me

By Ailuros M

🧠 Embrace Radical Honesty When we're talking about conquering anxiety, it's time to get real. It's time to sit with ourselves and get honest about...

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Declutter Your Mind With Affirmations

Declutter Your Mind With Affirmations

By Ailuros M

 Mantras & Affirmations When we think about changing our lives, it can sound like a lofty task. As we learn to harness the power of mantras...

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How To Choose The Right Life Partner

How To Choose The Right Life Partner

By Ailuros M

Identifying The Right Counterpart Identifying the right partnership can be like finding a needle in a haystack. But once we find that needle, how do...

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Witches Burr Spells and FAQ

Witches Burr Spells and FAQ

By Ailuros M

 Witches Burr, also known as Sweet Gum Balls, is a type of seed pod that is native to North America. It is produced by the...

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Clairsentient? Here's Everything You Need To Know!

Clairsentient? Here's Everything You Need To Know!

By Ailuros M

Welcome to my Guide to Clairsentience! Here I share with you everything I wish I knew when my gifts were coming online. In this article,...

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